In McDonough, right off the square on what is known as Jonesboro Road, sits a beautiful white home that is now owned by a couple who have renovated it and made it an events center of sorts. The home is often called the White House or simply the Dickson Home.
The home was once the residence of one of McDonough's most prominent citizens, James Buchanan Dickson (J.B.). J.B. Dickson served as mayor of McDonough in the late 19th century, having also been a successful merchant in town, as well as involved with the running of the First National Bank. J.B. was born in 1856 and died in 1929, right as the Great Depression was beginning and the same year of the great stock market crash. This is fitting given the tragedies that befell Mr. Dickson during his life.
Mayor Dickson's life was consumed with business. He was a successful merchant in Locust Grove, which is where he met and married his first wife, Mattie Sullivan. The Dicksons had two daughters, and then a son. However, his son died in 1889, and as if to add insult to injury, his wife, Mattie, died the same year, right after their son, just three years after moving in to the new home in McDonough. A few years later, on November 11, 1891, J.B. Dickson married his second wife, Grace Foster, and the two had a son, Gordon Dickson, on October 3, 1892. Three years later, another son, Ralph Foster Dickson, was born on July 17, 1895. It appeared that tragedy was visiting someone else now, as the Dicksons seemed to be happy and secure. By this time, they had been in their new home on Jonesboro Street for almost ten years. But this was not to last. On July 9th 1898, three year old Ralph Foster Dickson died at their peaceful home. Sadness was mixed with joy that month, as the passing of Ralph was met with the arrival of a new baby girl, Ruth Elizabeth. However, Ruth Elizabeth's ending was marred with sorrow much like her arrival.
The years moved along and in 1902, another child arrived, this time a son, Howell. However, as if a giant page were turned, another child was snatched up by the prongs of death when an infant son was born in 1904 and died that same year. It seemed as if the Dickson family could not win for losing.
More tragedy visited when on April 12, 1908, Elizabeth L. Sullivan, the mother of Mayor Dickson's first wife, was visiting and took critically ill. She died a few days afterwards in the Dickson's home. With so much death in that one house it seemed as if no more tragedy could happen, but on November 27, 1929, Mayor J.B. Dickson himself succumbed to the pains of a prolonged illness and died in his home. His wife Grace lived on for eleven more years before passing on January 1, 1940.
Perhaps the biggest tragedy to befall the family took place on July 11, 1944, when Gordon Dickson, who had moved out of the house and left his sister Ruth Elizabeth there to live alone, came from his home next door to check on her and found her dead, apparently of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. This was the eighth death to happen inside the Dickson house.
Investigative teams have been inside the home checking it and looking for any spirits that still walk the halls of the home of Mayor J.B. Dickson and his family. Their question: Is this house cursed? Many EVPs have been recorded in the house, including those saying "I am here," and "Gordon." A female voice could be heard saying "Lillie," and investigative teams have also been frightened by the sounds of a child singing a lullaby upstairs, rattling coat hangers, and the loud scream of someone coming from the second floor. Perhaps the most frightening experience was a voice saying, "Get Out!"
Other phenomenon seen at the house include orbs that show up in pictures, lights appearing on the wall over a fireplace, red mists, and unidentified sounds coming from all the home. Freelance Paranormal Society and Atlanta Ghost Hunters have all done investigations in the house and reported findings.
One of the things I think roams the halls of this house is an evil spirit. As I was discussing with a reader of this blog via email, evil manifests itself through the appearance of loved ones or just in human form. My best friend reported that his mother would talk about how her grandfather would come to visit her in her and her husband's house, and she would sit and have conversations with him. It was no time later that her husband, my best friend's father, hung and shot himself in the doorway of a bedroom in that house. When the family sold that house and my best friend was doing one last sweep through the house to make sure he had not left anything behind, he walked past the room where his father had hung himself. The door to the room was closed, but underneath the door, he could see what he thought was someone walking back and forth along the floor right in front of the door. However, noone was there, and there was nothing in the window or outside that could have cast a shadow and made it appear that there was someone there pacing. My best friend, as well as his siblings, believe that whatever had been visiting with their mother masquerading as the grandfather was the entity that tormented their father and told him to take his own life. My friend commented that when he saw this underneath the door, he left in a hurry, and as he was closing the front door, he yelled, "You can HAVE IT!!!"
Believe it or not, demons do walk among the living, and they masquerade as innocent and benevolent looking humans in ghost forms, sometimes even our lost loved ones. We must be careful. We must not tempt these things, lest we fall in to their trap. Is this what is up in the Dickson House? Well, it sounds like it to me, but I could be wrong. I do not think Ruth Elizabeth Dickson committed suicide on her own. I believe she was told to do it, or she was just plain murdered. What investigators, the owners, and tour groups have been hearing in the Dickson house is probably what is left of the evil that lured Ruth Elizabeth to her death. I have been in there, and I felt fine. I plan to go to one of the Murder Mystery dinners that are held there. But I never plan to tempt fate, and I certainly do not plan on doing any ghost hunting there.
I was with you on the last tour, and while I agree there is evil there. Not having been in the house its self. I feel so much coming from the Earth of the Dickson land its self, that I find myself dizzy and ill the moment I step on the property.
I do believe over time it has seeped into the very foundation of the bricks and wood, and house its self. As evil will seek out and invade like that.
Unlike you though I would like to go inside and see just how strong inside the house it is as opposed to outside.
By the way I enjoyed your input on the Number 7 train in the square too! Look forward to the Graveyard tour also!
HEY Wren!!!!!!! I was so hoping that you would be going on the cemetery tour. I agree with what you said last week that cemeteries are not really haunted. But it is so much fun to see the graves, the memorials and other things, and to hear about the lives of those people. We will have a lot of fun. The Dicksons are all buried there, as well as Colonel Charles T. Zachry (the man on the monument in the square), Abner Davis and John Hazlehurst (Hazlehurst House), A.A. Lemon and his wife (she was killed in a train wreck in Atlanta in 1901 with her baby daughter), B.B. Carmichael (mortician who handled most of the bodies from the 1900 train crash), A.F. Bunn (also a mortician who handled train crash bodies in 1900), Ezekiel Cloud (Rev. War soldier whose body was moved to the cemetery so that his burial plot could make way for I-75), Vessie Thrasher Rainer (author and Henry County historian), Adam C. Sloan (brutally murdered in 1892), and others. We are meeting at the bookstore and then going to the cemetery.
Give me a time and you will see me then!
Let me tell you I had to create and dang blog to follow your blog and all, color me a semi miffed camper, but at least I got you added now ;)
Was hoping my Avatar would clue you in to who I was!
Maybe I can pick something up at the Dickson graves, though I really doubt it. I have been through part of it, but maybe if it is later in the evening I may get a better feel.
I have been real open to things last few days so we will see ;)
nothing personal Professor, but I must say that I'm very surprised that an educated man would make this comment:
"Believe it or not, demons do walk among the living, and they masquerade as innocent and benevolent looking humans in ghost forms, sometimes even our lost loved ones"
Are you serious, or is the statement a symptom of capitalism at its best since you are involved in 'paid' cemetery tours?
Call me perplexed.
Scooter I am not sure if you are taking a hit at the idea of evil or a person.
I know for a fact that evil hides in the form of innocent looking enough people. What the mind then projects for others is up for interpretations.
The fact still remains minus the political party stance evil lives within each human on this planet, and once a person dies, that evil does not just vanish on the wind.
It is a fool that will assume before they seek and know all the facts.
To be perplexed you must have gone on said "paid tour" had your beliefs dashed, your facts proven wrong and all evidence speaking different scenario conclusions.
Color me highly intrigued by judgments made only from reading a report from an experience by another
nah Wren,
I enjoy reading the Prof's blog. He has many interesting stories posted. I particularly like the one about the heart transplant patient; probably something Poe would've written a story about.
I guess it's not a problem for a person to believe what they want, even if some of it is hocum. And I'm sure it's probably OK if a college prof wants to have a hobby like Ghost chasing, it's just that I have a hard time comprehending how an educated person that's teaching others on a college level could find credence in things like EVP's and trifield meters, or psychics/mediums and the like.
But I must say you guys are onto something good if people are actually paying to hear stories about cemeteries or to see a ghost. :) BOO!
Ahh Scooter,
Such assuming you do. You assume I go to a cemetery for ghost. Tsk on you, you just made yourself the first part of assume.
As for the professor I will not speak for him. I am sure he is a grown man who can say what he finds in cemeteries or not. Ghost though were not on my thoughts or radar.
Amazing it is the first thing on yours though. Your mind went to it like a fly in a horse pasture.
History is found in many areas in many fields and in many ways. To assume it will only be found and taught in a class room speaks sad volumes for you. But there is always hope you have room still for new learning.
I have never seen, held or been around a EVP or anything else like that. Had you not typed it I would not had known what it was. Bless Google for letting me research it before I answered you though.
It is mighty nice of you though to allow others to have a past time and not let it bother you THAT much.
But in future a tiny suggestion...when eaves dropping on conversations be they in type or spoken. Make sure you hear or read and know the whole of it and not just a snipit. Because what you have read and responded to has made you the fool, as you wandered into the very tailend of a conversation that was started in person and carried over into type.
Last the only thing that could scare me about you is your lack of respect and intelligence, save your boo's for the four years old at Halloween. I'm sure you excel there, with me I only find it sad.
Don't lump me or assume for me and never tar me with a brush you would for others. I guarantee you I am not like any of "you guys" and to ever do that is a mistake in the highest degree.
Just as I shall not do the same with you and not put you in the file of internet trolls with nothing better to do because their brain has taken a hiatus to some remote corner of Hades due to the fact they lack the human DNA to interact with society.
actually Wren, I was never referring to you at all so I suppose it is you that has done the assuming. Nor did I address you in my first comment. You are a very defensive person I guess. If you decide to do battle for others without cause, maybe you are correct about evil being present in every human. I can tell you that I certainly don't believe that to be the case, but please do and say as you please.
It doesn't bother me that the Prof does ghost hunting, but I find it at odds with what many colleges would teach, hence the question. I find it hard to believe a college professor would put any credence in something like an EVP, that's all. I never said you did anything with an EVP, that's your assumption I guess? Maybe you should learn to read more carefully?
"But I must say you guys are onto something good"
Gee Scooter how does one find themselves misreading that? Seeing as the post was in response to myself, while you tried to explain your disbelief at the professor, you then went on to say that one statement.
Yes I get defensive when someone who does not know me from Eve goes out of their way to group me and assume why I am doing something.
I am a very sarcastic person when I come across assuming people.
So you have never encountered evil? Sheltered living has done you very well, in the real world and in reality evil resides on the most innocent of looking people. But I shall just let you find that one out on your own.
I would so hate to be seen as trying to be helpful or defensive in anyway and deny you that interaction. Ignorance is bliss till it turns and slaps one.
By the way you typed and stated your wording it bothered you greatly what the professor does in his spare time and it chaps your very fiber.
"I'm sure it's probably OK if a college prof wants to have a hobby like Ghost chasing",
So nice of you to add that 'probably' in there , gives it your own personal touch.
By implying that these "ghost tours" are equipped with the likes of EVP's then yes you were saying that I must know what they are, as I have gone on this tour also. Unless you go on this tour you do not truly know what is said, seen or done on them.
I'm sorry but you are not going to twist your words and have it fall back on me. I read perfectly what you said, maybe you should go over what you typed and see if it goes along with what was knocking around the empty caverns of your head, trying to come out looking better than you started out as and have as of yet to get close to .
Look lady, if you are one, I never addressed you in any form shape or fashion, you're the one that jumped uninvited right in the middle of a statement I made to the Prof. Could be you are a psychic and have your panties in a wad? I couldn't care less.
Maybe you should go out and have some fun so some of that evil you profess can leave your body.
Good luck with ridding yourself of it. It looks like it will be a daunting task.
"But I must say you guys are onto something good"
BTW Wren you'd save yourself a lot of grief and trouble if you'd simply read and retain the Prof's blog. That way you could save yourself some time. When I said 'you guys' earlier I was referring to the people Prof was referring to that conducted the tours, NOT you. Is megalomania common among mediums or something?
Yes you did address me. By nature alone in this thread, if you had wanted to ridicule just the professor on the cemetery tours. You would have gone to the blog post on Cemetery Tours and made your ambiguous statement there about symptoms of capitalism in a paid cemetery tour.
This thread alone was about another subject, and something the professor and I were talking about.
Does my sex really need to be addressed here to gain any kind of respect? Though you seem to be lacking in this area I already know the answer, so do not even worry on sputtering or typing one back.
So you think I am a medium or psychic? Bless it yet again for coming in on the tail end of a conversation and not knowing the full details. Maybe one day soon you will get the full picture and story and know what is really going on.
You are now also an expert on evil? Wow a complete turn around form earlier in your post. I’ve never trusted anyone that can blow hot and could out of any of their orifices at once. You fit that bill to a ‘T’.
” When I said 'you guys' earlier I was referring to the people Prof was referring to that conducted the tours, NOT you” You know I am not part of the tour how now? You know I am not related to the history part of the tour because……YOU just happen to know and see all? Because you have an inside line, or you just assumed from what little you read, I was not?
So far you are batting 0 here scooter. Failing the grade to keep up, failing to know what you are talking about, and keeping track of who is who. There is a reason I post only in certain threads of blogs here. I am not a stalking follower, like you it seems.
But if it will mend your ego and pride I will conduct my talks with the professor out of your eye range, so you do not have to misread and misunderstand and then do that assuming thing again. Unlike you I can and will refrain from labeling you all the things I believe you to be and in need of help changing. Maybe you can learn by example seeing as you cannot refrain from doing it yourself, that temper of yours will definitely be your down fall though.
LOL got it all figured out. Please don't cease talking to the Prof on my account! I don't want to get in the way of a good conversation. But before you call me names you need to look in the mirror a bit. I came here and made a statement, a critical observation about the Prof doing cemetery tours and you took it personally. You are indeed a legend in your own mind it seems and you are the stalker, not me. I never addressed you no matter how you choose to paint it. I couldn't care less about what you think about anything and was here as I said to converse with the Prof. If he'd rather not, that's fine. As for you I'll be more than happy to ignore your hateful posts in the future, you certainly should know what evil is; seems you practice it regularly.
You take care and don't let those evil spirits do anything mean to you. I don't care what you do for kicks, medium or not it doesn't matter.
Scooter, it looks like you and Wren have entered in to a pretty heated discussion. Forgive me for coming back to the conversation late. But I will go back to your original comment, as I deem it the most worthy of responding to. Before I begin, let me reiterate that, as always, you are welcome to blog here anytime, and I do enjoy the fact that you read these blogs. Now on to a bit of a rebuttal.
First, the cemetery tours of which I am a part are not ghost cemetery tours. They are historical tours highlighting interesting stories of people who have lived and died in McDonough. As Wren can attest, the tours focus solely on the history of the city and area, as well as the biographies of those who are buried there and that we highlight. Not all graves are visited or mentioned mind you.
Secondly, I never said I believed in EVPs, ghosts, or anything else. I just report the interesting stories that people send to me or that I read in the multitude of books on Georgia history. I will admit that I do believe in the concept of evil, and as a Christian, I can point out numerous examples of Biblical texts that point to the existence of evil on the planet in human form. Heck, that is not even a Christian idea. Some would argue that Judaism, the backbone of Christianity, was heavily influenced by the teachings of Zoroaster, also known as Zarathustra, and so the concept of the eternal battle of good versus evil is even older than Hebrew Theology. So if you would like to second guess my teaching ability or academic credentials because I believe that evil can take human form, like so many millions of other people of faith on the planet, then so be it. However, I would like to point out that this might be a bit more hard to believe that someone who professes faith in a time honored religion.
That being said, you mentioned in your first comment that you were a little perplexed that an educated man teaching others on the college level believed in EVPs meters, and all the other gadgets that seem like they are associated with a paranormal investigation. Let me very clear and I also must say that Wren is right in suggesting that you suffer from too much assumption, I have never been on a ghost hunt, paranormal investigation, attended a spirit calling ceremony or anything of that sort. My participation in the Haunted History Tours of McDonough are purely for the history side of the story. I am there to share a little local history that I have uncovered. Nothing more, nothing less. So, sorry, I can't speak intelligently about those kinds of things. Wren can give you honest proof that I pretty much shy away from those things. I leave that to others.
As for my blog, I just simply report the odd, weird, and legendary tales that are told by people of Georgia. As I mentioned before here, I do a good bit of research in to legends, myth, and folklore. That is a VIABLE part of historical research, not a goose chase. If it were, then you would pretty much have to retire half of every literature and anthropology department at every credible university or college, well, anywhere.
As far as the Dicksons, I have no clue what to make of the entire story. I do believe in the presence of evil, and as an educated man and Christian, I will always believe in it. Not only can I back that up using the holy cannon, but I can also back that up using the research of religious scholars and theologians down through the ages.
That is really all my blog is about, Scooter. It gives me and others a chance to recount some stories from Georgia that are interesting. I don't ghost hunt, don't teach about ghosts in my classes, and have written quite a few scholarly articles and at least one book on topics that have nothing to do with anything remotely strange in Georgia. Well, I better take that back. That one book is about politics, and yes, Georgia politics is a strange story.
All in all, come back and blog any time, but do not assume too much. If you will notice, I really talk more about disappearances, historical mysteries, and even Bigfoot, than I do ghosts and such. I post about ghosts when they are reported on in the media, like the Titanic story, and the Dicksons, when they seem to draw a lot of attention. Trust me, my classes are pretty sound. The only ghosts that I talk about are those students who don't show up for class but are still enrolled. All we have of them, are their spirits, and their failing grades.
Enjoy the rest of the blog.
"{Many EVPs have been recorded in the house}, including those floor.
Other phenomenon seen at the house include orbs that show up in pictures, lights appearing on the wall over a fireplace, red mists, and unidentified sounds coming from all the home. Freelance Paranormal Society and Atlanta Ghost Hunters have all done investigations in the house and reported findings.
One of the things I think roams the halls of this house is an evil spirit. As I was discussing with a reader of this blog via email, evil manifests itself through the appearance of loved ones or just in human form. My best friend reported that his mother would talk about how her grandfather would come to visit her in her and her husband's house, and she would sit and have conversations with him. It was no time later that her husband, my best friend's father, hung and shot himself in the doorway of a bedroom in that house. When the family sold that house and my best friend was doing one last sweep through the house to make sure he had not left anything behind, he walked past the room where his father had hung himself. The door to the room was closed, but underneath the door, he could see what he thought was someone walking back and forth along the floor right in front of the door. However, noone was there, and there was nothing in the window or outside that could have cast a shadow and made it appear that there was someone there pacing. My best friend, as well as his siblings, believe that whatever had been visiting with their mother masquerading as the grandfather was the entity that tormented their father and told him to take his own life. My friend commented that when he saw this underneath the door, he left in a hurry, and as he was closing the front door, he yelled, "You can HAVE IT!!!"
Believe it or not, demons do walk among the living, and they masquerade as innocent and benevolent looking humans in {ghost forms}, sometimes even our lost loved ones. We must be careful. We must not tempt these things, lest we fall in to their trap. Is this what is up in the Dickson House? {Well, it sounds like it to me}, but I could be wrong. I do not think Ruth Elizabeth Dickson committed suicide on her own. I believe she was told to do it, or she was just plain murdered. What investigators, the owners, and tour groups have been hearing in the Dickson house is probably what is left of the evil that lured Ruth Elizabeth to her death. I have been in there, and I felt fine. I plan to go to one of the Murder Mystery dinners that are held there. But I never plan to tempt fate, {and I certainly do not plan on doing any 'ghost hunting there'}.
Hi Professor!
Thanks for chiming in! You are correct, the discussion between Wren and I was not what I'd call productive. But I suspect she'd be interesting to talk to in person.
I don't think I ever said you believe in EVP's but I'm willing to admit I may have assumed something although I'm not so sure I did. I know I did say I was surprised you put any credence in them?
You wrote about EVP's and the ghosts in your story I've referred to and even said that some roam around in ghost forms and you believed that to be the case in the Dickson House. If that's not correct maybe I'm reading the above info wrong? You pretty much used the items I just mentioned in support of your story about the Dickson house so if I'm guilty of assuming anything, drawing a conclusion from info you wrote could be what I'm guilty of. It maybe just semantics or splitting hairs, etc.
I am glad you clarified the historic tours of the cemetery and apologize if they don't contain ghost stories. I'm sorry if I trivialized your efforts or expertise, that wasn't my intent.
I did however say that I am perplexed or maybe intrigued as to why a prof would be interested in the paranormal, esp with all the scientific knowledge available today which refutes much paranormal belief. I am curious how you'd be interested, esp since I just finished my B.S. and of course, as you know, modern educators lean on scientific explanation for abnormal phenonmenon for the most part.
This was the reason for my question and I'm glad you offered your explanation, I do appreciate it!
Take care and keep writing! I'll do my best to do the reading. :)
Take care,
Let me address a few of your replies. First, "I don't plan on doing any ghost hunting here." This was sort of a tongue in cheek comment. The truth is, I don't ghost hunt anywhere. I have never been on one and never will go on one. The reason being is that I don't believe a lot of what people are seeing are ghosts. I genuinely believe in the presence of evil. That was why I included the story about my best friend and the suicide of his father. Reading between the lines there would give you sort of an idea that what I believe a lot of people mistake as ghosts or such are actually evil spirits.
As far as the EVPs, if you never said that I used them, I do apologize, it was just the following comment that caught my attention. You were speaking to Wren and said, "it's just that I have a hard time comprehending how an educated person that's teaching others on a college level could find credence in things like EVP's and trifield meters, or psychics/mediums and the like." To be for certain, I do not use those kinds of things and I have never been in the presence of anyone who was. Going back to the Dickson House, I never said I was there or used materials to collect EVPs or anything else. What I was doing was reporting what had been written about the Dickson House by Dan Brooks and Caprice Walker in their book "Haunted Memories of McDonough, Georgia." These are the two creators of the tour, and I also assist them with the new cemetery tours. I bought the book because it dealt with McDonough history. The ghost stories are interesting, but I bought it for all the great pictures and local history stories that were inside. I have an article on the Camp Creek Train Crash of 1900 coming out in "Georgia Backroads Magazine" this summer, and I wrote it only after conducting much research in about four different newspapers and at the local Historical Society headquarters. I was introduced to that tragedy by Caprice and Dan and their book. However, when you read my article in that magazine, and do email me your mailing address and I will be glad to send you a copy,then you will see that I have mentioned nothing about ghosts, phantoms or the like. It is pure local historical research. In my post here about the train crash, I mention that there are some who believe the bodies being laid out in the square is the reason behind all the reported hauntings in McDonough. I haven't a clue as to how one would even begin to prove that, and I do not care. Once again, it was the train crash and just the mere fact that all those coffins laid out in the square were very odd occurances. Nothing supernatural, just interesting and odd. It makes for a good story, and it was true. Those coffins were all right there on the square. Is the square haunted? Don't know, don't care. Am I pursuing that? Not really. Am I letting people know that that is what is said by some? Yes. It has stirred debate I see.
As for just graduating with your B.S., well congratulations. I hold three degrees, two of which are advanced, and in my undergraduate at the University of Georgia, I had enough classes in chemistry and physical science to minor in it, and my first teaching job at a private high school was actually teaching 9th grade physical science and 8th grade earth science. I am very familiar with the scientific method, which was actually perfected during the Scientific Revolution, which also helped give rise to the Enlightenment. I know all about it, and I believe in it. But as a man of faith, I also believe the physician Luke(note man of science there)when he said that faith was belief in things unseen and unheard. Science can't explain everything. While I am not really a believer in ghosts per say, I do believe strongly in evil beings and spirits. When I said that they walk around among us and sometimes take human form, and even sometimes the form of our lost loved ones, what I meant was that demonic presences can manipulate humans in that way. I don't really want to start a long list of scriptures, but I have them here and can cite them. In addition, I can cite Catholic and Protestant scholars alike, (yes, my doctoral work is in theology, while my undergrad and one masters is in history) who have written extensively about the presence of evil, exorcisms, and demonic possessions. If you do not believe those things are possible, no problem. I count you as no less than the educated person you seem to be. I ask the same respect of you. Personally, you really don't know me, so I was a little troubled by your original comments, but I did not allow them to ruffle my feathers.
On a logical stance, remember that it is impossible to prove a negative. You can tell me you have never murdered anyone, but you cannot prove that. You can tell me that evil spirits do not exist, but you cannot prove that. We can debate the evidence all day long of those that say they do exist and we can discredit that evidence, ponder it, and even say it is valid, but saying something just does not exist at all is a pretty big assertion in and of itself. I have seen alot of discussions on ghosts and such, and I have heard a lot of explanations. I have never had an experience with a ghost, but I have had an experience with the presence of evil. Can I explain it to you in a manner that would convince you? Probably not. Do I think my best friend saw what was the presence of a demonic force in his parents house? Yes. That belief is based on my faith, which once again, I cannot prove. You can't prove a matter of faith because then it is no longer a thing of faith. But science cannot explain everything, and that is why we still have philosophy and religion.
Truthfully, if you would like to post a blog posting here to enhance discussion on whether or not evil spirits and ghosts are real, then by all means, send me your post and I will put it up and give you credit for it. It will bring much discussion I am sure.
Once again, thanks for reading my blog, and you are correct. Wren would be very interesting to talk to in person. I think much would come of a dicsussion between the two of you if it ever happened.
I also wanted to add another thing. I really should have been clearer on the post about the Dickson House and said that people have reported what they believe to be EVPs.... That would have made it clearer as to what I was trying to accomplish. I guess I would make a bad journalist. What I was actually trying to do was similar to what my friend Hugh Harrington was doing with the voodoo murders story. He never says he believes that voodoo was the cause of those deaths. He was simply reporting that that is what was said or circulated around town. The same goes for those things at the Dickson House.
What I feel is going on is evil, akin to what I understand the Bible to report as demonic spirits, like those present in the swine called Legion. There are some other interesting stories I have heard about the Dickson family concerning items that were found on the grounds when an archaeological team did an excavation there. However, this was simply told to me and not verified. As soon as I can locate a source, I will put up a post about it.
Once more, I am so glad to have you as a reader, and I always welcome your comments.
Sadly Professor, Scooter has tagged and bagged me evil a medium and a psychic.
All of which I am not, but for a BS masters he fails with a one on one and I shudder at how he will approach students.
Being a part of the Cemetery Tour (and not for ghost hunting and other spiritual reasons) sad to bust bubbles of others. I was intrigued by Scooters assumptions not so much on you but his ideal of a symptom of capitalism at its best since you are involved in 'paid' cemetery tours?
This spoke to me of someone mad for a reason behind their understanding lashing out. This always draws my interest as people are an odd lot and watching their workings a past time of mine.
For such a learned man, Scooter took great delight in aiming for my sex, trying degrade me and twist my words. I will become very sarcastic with people who do that to me. They remove my rights and insert theirs.
A big NO NO to do to me at any time.
Seeing as Scooter never asked or could never bring himself to ask nicely or just ask what it was I was doing on either tour I did not see the need to inform him, as he was doing so well at his assuming and grouping people in it.
I do apologize for taking a wonderful blog and having it turn into this tiff between scooter and I. But there is only so far I will go in being treated like a lower class idiot before I snap. Had he typed to me nicely as I do most people it would never have gone so far.
By the way I am sure I have come across the mystery of the stone wall and dwelling atop Stone Mountain also. So sometime in person I will explain that to you and you can post it up for others to read.
I am not about to give scooter any more reason to be rude and insulting on your blog and at me. I do respect you and your space too much.
Thanks again Professor,
"If you do not believe those things are possible, no problem. I count you as no less than the educated person you seem to be. I ask the same respect of you. Personally, you really don't know me, so I was a little troubled by your original comments, but I did not allow them to ruffle my feathers."
Didn't mean to be offensive at all I just have a bad habit of asking critical questions that get too critical I guess. I'm also somewhat of a skeptic about paranormal matters and as well a bit of a fan of the Amazing Randi.
As you know I follow the Grinstead case, I commented on your story there last year and there have been 'psychics' that have been involved in her case. The case was commercialized somewhat by some of them and I tend to try to balance out their handywork whenever I can by asking questions.
I also have a little experience in law enforcement and that helped(or hurt:) me to pretty much not believe things at face value.
I appreciate your sharing your faith values, I really do. I used to be a pretty fundamental Christian myself, but have changed in some ways. Although canonized, the OT IMO is made up of a great deal of oral tradition while the NT is more historically provable, but that's just MO.
I appreciate your offer on the writing. If i come up with anything worthwhile, I'll be sure to submit it to you.
and to Wren,
I said nothing to you yet you fired this hate filled post at me in defense of the Prof. I appreciate the fact that you may be his friend or have respect, but I think you're the one that jumped to conclusions and was ugly first.
"Scooter I am not sure if you are taking a hit at the idea of evil or a person.
I know for a fact that evil hides in the form of innocent looking enough people. What the mind then projects for others is up for interpretations.
The fact still remains minus the political party stance evil lives within each human on this planet, and once a person dies, that evil does not just vanish on the wind.
It is a fool that will assume before they seek and know all the facts.
To be perplexed you must have gone on said "paid tour" had your beliefs dashed, your facts proven wrong and all evidence speaking different scenario conclusions.
Color me highly intrigued by judgments made only from reading a report from an experience by another
However I am willing to try and find some higher ground and not post at you anymore if you ar willing to do the same. Just say so.
BTW Wren,
In your last comment you stated something about shuddering at the thought of me teaching students? You can rest easy: a B.S. is simply a Bachelor's of Science degree and does not necessarily qualify someone to teach. However, I can assure you that if I did decide to teach, I would be an excellent teacher. :-)
I said nothing to you yet you fired this hate filled post at me in defense of the Prof. I appreciate the fact that you may be his friend or have respect, but I think you're the one that jumped to conclusions and was ugly first.
However I am willing to try and find some higher ground and not post at you anymore if you ar willing to do the same. Just say so.
This will be my last post to you, You said in this last reasonable post that you said nothing to deserve my comments.
First off Scooter, I was a part of the original Cemetery Tour (based in history of not only the people but the country its self).
Are you serious, or is the statement a symptom of capitalism at its best since you are involved in 'paid' cemetery tours?
Your first comment, can you not see the scathing remark scorched around the edged with hateful remarks?
I guess it's not a problem for a person to believe what they want, even if some of it is hocum. And I'm sure it's probably OK if a college prof wants to have a hobby like Ghost chasing, it's just that I have a hard time comprehending how an educated person that's teaching others on a college level could find credence in things like EVP's and trifield meters, or psychics/mediums and the like.
But I must say you guys are onto something good if people are actually paying to hear stories about cemeteries or to see a ghost. :) BOO!
Again another hate filled and judging remark at me and then a childish attempt with "BOO". You by your actions in type showed that evil can and does guise its self in innocent and not so innocent people. That if we had to worry about ghost, it is people who should worry us more by their actions, deeds and words more so.
For a man who is in law enforcement you should know this. My Uncle and Cousin who hold places in Law enforcement know this and never forget, evil resides in even the most innocent looking of people. Their life and the lives of others depends on them never forgetting that.
See you did not just go after one person in your sweeping broad statement to the Professor Scooter. Yes I came back at you, not hateful but sarcastic and with truth. Had you shown some couth and a little decorum and a tad of nicety even I might have disclosed the history part to you.
But you brought in EVP's and ghost and communism and such left field idea's that it brooked no room for the truth.
actually Wren, I was never referring to you at all so I suppose it is you that has done the assuming....If you decide to do battle for others without cause, maybe you are correct about evil being present in every human.....but please do and say as you please....
You never took the time in your assuming to find out who I was on the tours. You jumped to I was a medium or psychic. You never thought to ask if maybe I was related to the history part of the tour. You would be surprised at the amount of history that is in these tours over the supposed ghost stories. You discredited me from the get go, took away my voice and any legitimate foundation or stance I have/had. Because you wanted to make a communist statement on paying to see ghost.
Again until you go on one of these tours, you cannot speak from just post alone, they do not cover verbatim every step or every word. The Professor provides to the point extra researched history on things that the tour guides have not looked into. He researched more into the town and the things surrounding events that made up the town and events. None of what makes up the ghost stories, that is up to those with overly active imaginations.
Look lady, if you are one, I never addressed you in any form shape or fashion, you're the one that jumped uninvited right in the middle of a statement I made to the Prof. Could be you are a psychic and have your panties in a wad? I couldn't care less.
Maybe you should go out and have some fun so some of that evil you profess can leave your body.
Good luck with ridding yourself of it. It looks like it will be a daunting task.....BTW Wren you'd save yourself a lot of grief and trouble if you'd simply read and retain the Prof's blog. That way you could save yourself some time. When I said 'you guys' earlier I was referring to the people Prof was referring to that conducted the tours, NOT you. Is megalomania common among mediums or something?
I eluded to many things with you, but never once did I come out and down right insult you, for this educated man you claim to be, you took many liberties on your part toward me. I pointed out you assumed way too much for someone such as yourself from reading a blog and not talking directly to the person. Once you talked to the Professor you changed your tune. But with me you continued your note of spite.
That is fine, I expect that from men. A man who claims to be a MS and in law enforcement to boot I expected better, you have dropped the male species bar down in my eyes yet again. It will have to be another who raises it and shows me that not all are as you are "quick to judge, label, snap and assume".
I did say I shudder at the thought of you teaching, because you have to make a quick call on your class at first glance the first day and from there move forward. Now paying your assuming game you have with me, you will damn half your class alone by either their looks or first response to you. Never to know the true powerful mind that lay hidden and waiting to be unlocked.
I am not one to be this overtly sarcastic to people Scooter, but when liberties are taken in my name and assuming done on my account and I am not referred to or asked about any of it and present in the room. You can bet your bottom dollar I will make the nastiest of sarcastic Queens look like Shirley Temple.
You have a wonderful day, and a blessed life. As my People say
o's'da i'ga
good day
By the way Professor, I shall from now on just read your blogs and not remark on them. I never meant to cause this mess in your post and regret I have done so. Please remove all of my comments as I understand how they have tainted a wonderful story of a historical place. In future I shall make comments via another way.
"In your last comment you stated something about shuddering at the thought of me teaching students? You can rest easy: a B.S. is simply a Bachelor's of Science degree and does not necessarily qualify someone to teach. However, I can assure you that if I did decide to teach, I would be an excellent teacher. :-)"
Do you always blow up like this at people, when you make statements, and they take you at your word?
I also have a little experience in law enforcement
I could have just assumed you were on the wrong end of Law enforcement and then angered you more I suppose.
Again your temper has over ridden any logic or reason you might carry, because you let it come out first and foremost. I am sorry for you there, and sorry I took your word that you were involved in Law Enforcement after reading your post. I will switch to double speak when reading your replies now and anger management also.
Does this statment sound like it's written by someone who is a teacher?
""In your last comment you stated something about shuddering at the thought of me teaching students? You can rest easy: a B.S. is simply a Bachelor's of Science degree and does not necessarily qualify someone to teach. However, I can assure you that if I did decide to teach, I would be an excellent teacher. :-)"
I think YOU are the one with anger issues AND reading comprehension problems.
But thanks for the try anyway.
'Experience' is usually not present tense and 'helped' is most always past tense. But I am sorry for not saying I USED TO BE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT, although it doesn't really matter because obviously you are going to read into stuff what you wish no matter its content. Read on Wren, read on.
This has been an interesting discussion. I really hope noone has gotten their feelings hurt, but these topics usually bring out a lot of differing opinions.
Hey Prof!
I really enjoyed reading this blog.
Very well written. I cannot wait to read your next book if it flows as well as this!
I'm just not sure I agree with this evil spirit theory! Are you sure you are not just projecting? :) Just kidding! Everyone don't yell at me!
It does raise eyebrows that so many have died IN the house, though.
As far as whether or not intelligent people believe in ghosts - Historically intelligent people have explored the "unseen" forces. Thomas Edison consulted a psychic, he also invented the phonograph. What in the world gave him the idea that something you cannot see or feel can be captured! I think eventually we will figure out what these "disturbances" are. So, highly intelligent people believe in the supernatural (there is a long list of brilliant people from our history books who believe in the supernatural - Edison just grabbed me because of the phonograph as well as the visit with psychics), and some highly intelligent people do not believe - that's quite okay too!
Like you, Prof, I believe most "sightings" are imaginings. But there are just some "sightings" that are more difficult for me to discount.
Glad you like the blog, Caprice. Yes, I remember reading about Edison. Over the past few years, I have met a surprisingly growing number of academics who are open to the possibility of unexplained things. I had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Jeff Meldrum by phone a little over a year ago, and he told me that there was more and more positive reception to his North American Great Ape Research (Bigfoot). Keep reading. I have put a few more posts up today.
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I was in the house last night with the Atlanta Ghost Hunters. We recorded many voices, heard some knocking, crying and some movement of something in the attic where we were sitting. It was inside with us, then seemed to go through the walls to the roof and ran over our heads. I was sitting on the end of the group, and now have a weird 5 spot blood blister thing on my forearm. I was closest to the activity.
I would like to know where this cematary is located. I live in Griffin. Thank you
33rd Parallel Paranormal is doing an investigation 1/13/23
Southern Ghost Investigators have investigated this house twice / find the evidence take a tour . You won’t believe the real story behind Ruth .
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