The Georgia Bigfoot, other than being the title of my next book, is also an ongoing mystery in the Peach State. With sightings dating back to the early 1800s in Georgia, and ranging from the mountains to the coast, there is much to be said for the possible existence of the elusive creature in Georgia.
One organization that continues to stay on the hunt for the Georgia Bigfoot, and I use the word hunt not in the sense of find and kill, but of gathering evidence, is the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. Their database is full of credible eyewitness accounts and sightings from all over Georgia. The following was one of the most recent reported in the state. The link to this report can be found by clicking the title of this post. They are a top-notch organization with membership all over the nation. Their site can be found at www.bfro.net.
According to the report, this sighting comes from Fayette County, a rapidly growing county in the southwest portion of the Atlanta metropolitan area. It is the home to Fayetteville, Peachtree City, Tyrone, and other communities that are experiencing the throngs of the urban sprawl of Atlanta. The county is still rural enough that there are a number of dark country roads. This is apparently where the sighting took place.
The person who reported this sighting said that it occured on July 17, 2009, this past summer while she was driving home on Lee's Mill Road. The driver was rounding a curve around 11:00 p.m. that evening when she saw something crossing the road in front of her. The animal was caught in the headlights of her car. The animal walked upright on two legs, was slim, and had greyish-brown hair. The driver mentioned that the animal never stopped to look at her, but simply trotted across the highway into the Fayette County darkness. The night was clear, no rain, and the driver felt very comfortable with her description.
This area of Georgia, Fayette and Coweta County, have been rich with sightings of these animals. One may remember the Belt Road Booger or the Happy Valley Horror near Newnan. But Fayette County has a share of sightings, especially near Peters Road and other rural parts of the county.
So what is it that is hanging out in the dark night in Fayette County? Does the Georgia Bigfoot still roam the rural area of Fayette County? Is the development the area is seeing stirring up these animals and distrupting their habitats? It seems that sightings in this area are on the rise. Could this be a product of urban sprawl and population? Once again, the legend of the Georgia Bigfoot is huge. Fayette County is just one of the many places the legend lives on.
This is very interesting to read this about a Bigfoot sighting in Georgia. I have always followed the stories and sightings out west but to hear of one in Georgia is kind of cool.
Is there such an animal as Bigfoot? Well anything is possible as we continue to encroach on the wilderness with what some people call progress. However with all of the population around why haven’t there been even more sightings? I will be keeping up with this, as this is very interesting to look at and study.
Dark Knight
This sighting in Fayette County and the one in Spalding County might point to something. If both areas of sightings were in wooded secluded areas then the Bigfoot might have found an area where it can reside away from us. It has been interesting that over the years that the Bigfoot has remained away from people and has not made much of an attempt to be in contact with man. If it does exist it might have a fear of us. I have always been interested in this subject.
Too bad it was just college kids dressed up in an ape costume.
If this were a college kid dressed in an ape suit, I would not bet on him ending up with a diploma. It would be kind of stupid to walk around in the middle of the night in to the path of an oncoming car. In wonder what someone would gain from that? Noone would even know it was them if indeed it were someone in a monkey suit.
Also, there is something else that a person would have to consider by wearing an ape suit is that there are many people out there with guns who will shoot them without question. I am like the professor there is more to this than that.
Considering the time and location of the sighting; I don't think someone was sitting there waiting for a vehicle to drive by to walk out in front of..
- ms
I have followed the Fayette bigfoot or "Booger" for years. When I saw the report mentioned I was excited. The story goes back into the 1800's and my Great Grand father also told of a run in near Peters and Westbridge road in the early 1900's. My great grandmother spoke of seeing the booger as well. She called it the "Conference, or comprince booger." Named after two sisters that had the first reported sighting. I can't seem to find that name but there are old reports of one also called "The Crumpton Booger". The Lees mill area fits in with the other sitings. 92 from Peters road to New Hope road and beyond. One thing always seems to show up in the old reports..."It screamed like a woman". I would love to know of anymore reports online other than the BFRO report.
I have heard of those reports of a creature that walked upright and screamed like a woman in that area. If you look in some of the areas off Hwy 92 today they are wilderness and anything could live in there.
Yep. It was called the "Comference" Booger. The two old sisters did indeed have a sighting. I was actually going to put up a post about this. Thanks for mentioning it.
You may have seen a story I submitted to the gbfro years ago.
Unless you got it from somewhere else. As far as I know, I had only heard that name used in the family but it may have actually had been the Crumpton booger. If the story details a man on a horse and buggy at the bridge on Westbridge road and the creature jumping on the back, then I submitted that one. But there is a glitch in that story as I also research and found out that one of the peters had gone nuts, let his hair grow long and lived in the woods like a wild man. (Found that in the Fayette County History book.) Could have been either, but there is a chance either way.
There is also a place on 92 that I won't disclose because it is currently occupied and has been in the family for years, It is a perfect habitat, closed into the woods, a lake, streams and so forth. Everytime I go there, I get the feeling of being watched and I'm not the only one. It would be in line with the Lees Mill area and not very far from it. Autunm Williams with Oregon Bigfoot dot com has a blog and she details a theory and it pretty much describes the feeling one has in this place. If you have been on Peters road, then you have felt that feeling, it is there as well.
If I am not mistaken, that story was on the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization's database. Tell me more about the Fayette History book where you found these stories. Are you from this area? You seem to know a lot about the area.
I went to the Gulf coast, that is my submission. My falily experiences in short.
Sounds great. You should pick up a copy of my book when it comes out. It is called Bigfoot in Georgia.
to epga:
I read your post referencing the "Crumpton Booger". I grew up in the area of south Fulton County where Highway 92 and Cascade-Palmetto Highway cross. We were raised on the story of the Crumpton Booger, so I'll attempt to repeat what we were always told. Bearing in mind of course that as stories such as these are repeated, they tend to evolve into things apart from the original, although I've verified enough details in the limited amount that was known to know two details have remained unchanged. That of a white heifer, and an old widow.
The Crumpton Booger was described to us by the old folks, my grandma, uncles, and momma included, as the ghost of the Widow Crumpton's cow. The story as I remember, vaguely, was that the Widow Crumpton lived on Koweta Road (which runs between 92 and Stonewall-Tell Road) had not been seen in some time, so someone, it may have been her preacher, went to check on her. She was found dead in the barn along with her white heifer. The story got to going around that the Crumpton Booger appears in the form of a white heifer with red eyes. We heard this screaming that is referred to, having grown up playing on the river road (runs along the Chattahoochee River and parallel to Cascade-Palmetto Highway). My family was raised in the old Beaver Home at old Campbellton. Being a family of hunters and trappers, I can tell you that the "screams" are bobcats or what we called "kitty mounts", hybrid domestic feline/bobcats. I've seen and heard both, and the kitty mount does sound exactly like a woman screaming. I never heard any association with big foot, or the sound of a screaming woman with regards to the Crumpton Booger. It was always told to us as a ghost story.
Foxfire River
Response to "Crumpton Booger" comment....
I grew up in the area of South Fulton County where Highway 92 and Cascade-Palmetto Highway cross, and still live in the area. My mother's family, the Lee's, owned the old Beaver Home in old Campbellton from 1920 until the late 1980's.
We were raised on the story of the Crumpton Booger. The story we were always told was that there was an old widow, the Widow Crumpton, who lived on Koweta Road, which runs between Highway 92 and Stonewall-tell Road. Seems she hadn't been seen for sometime, so someone, may have been a preacher, went to check on her. In the barn they discovered the Widow Crumpton and her white heifer had been murdered. From that day on, the Crumpton Booger appeared as the ghost of a white heifer with red eyes. As to the screams, being a hunter and coming from a family who hunted this area long before the deer population exploded, these are more than likely the cries of bobcat or "kitty mounts". Kitty mounts are a hybrid bobcat-domestic feline. I have seen and heard both, and a kitty mount definitely sounds like a screaming woman. Used to scare the bejesus out of the old women and us kids at night! But two elements of the astory have never changed from anyone, nonrelatives or otherwise, and those are that of the white heifer, and the Widow Crumpton.
Foxfire River
Response to "Crumpton Booger" comment....
I grew up in the area of South Fulton County where Highway 92 and Cascade-Palmetto Highway cross, and still live in the area. My mother's family, the Lee's, owned the old Beaver Home in old Campbellton from 1920 until the late 1980's.
We were raised on the story of the Crumpton Booger. The story we were always told was that there was an old widow, the Widow Crumpton, who lived on Koweta Road, which runs between Highway 92 and Stonewall-tell Road. Seems she hadn't been seen for sometime, so someone, may have been a preacher, went to check on her. In the barn they discovered the Widow Crumpton and her white heifer had been murdered. From that day on, the Crumpton Booger appeared as the ghost of a white heifer with red eyes. As to the screams, being a hunter and coming from a family who hunted this area long before the deer population exploded, these are more than likely the cries of bobcat or "kitty mounts". Kitty mounts are a hybrid bobcat-domestic feline. I have seen and heard both, and a kitty mount definitely sounds like a screaming woman. Used to scare the bejesus out of the old women and us kids at night! But two elements of the astory have never changed from anyone, nonrelatives or otherwise, and those are that of the white heifer, and the Widow Crumpton.
Foxfire River
I grew up & still live in Cliftondale...my greatgrandmother lived on Koweta Rd. I too recall everyone in the family speaking of the Crumpton Booger although it was referred to as smaller than a cow, glowing white with glowing red eyes and screamed in a high pitch. The stories would have been from the mid 1940's era up through (I'm guessing) 1970's-1980's? My family NEVER were much for "tall tales" or "ghost stories" and when they spoke of the creature, they spoke with great hesitance and very briefly. I've also heard it from several friends who've never met my family.
Very interesting stuff! I loved reading your stories and hearing more tales of this! My family still owns the Koweta Rd property BTW and we've been keeping an eye out for it ever since! :)
I'd love to read your book...any new updates?
Please email me if anyone wants to chat about it or can inform me of the history of my hometown! TRY TO FOLLOW ME on this because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post email tags here or not....but you can reach me at:
mattswad -at- gmail -dot- com
or on faaaaace book at
double-u, double-u, double-u
face book dot com (/) mattswad
I believe you and I were neighbors. I grew up in the same area (1973-1993). We had some old timers from the Fife community that would tell stories about the Crumpton Booger. I saw your post at the GCBRO and thought this happened in my backyard. I had similar experiences as well, never a visual, but definitely heard screams, had areas around my woods were you felt like you were being watched and uncomfortable, strange limb formations, etc... My Father felt like one followed him one morning. If interested in contacting me please send an email to rightwingman820@gmail.com. I'd be interested to know where you were in relation to me growing up.
Would the barn in reference (where the widow Crumpton was supposedly found) be the barn just behind/north of "Koweta Lake" (as its referred to on Google Maps) at the former Camp Wesley site? It appears there is still a barn barely visible on Google Maps/Google Earth.
I grew up hearing this story from my grandfather and father but they told me it lived on derick road in fairburn. My grandfather told me he saw it one night on the bridge coming home and it was white and had red eyes. My father said he heard it when he was a kid fishing in the woods and it screamed like a woman. My mother also has seen in peering in her kitchen window washing dishes.
Very interesting stories, savannah87. One day I would love to investigate this story further.
Derek Rd runs into Koweta Rd. This same area was also the aite of Trentham Spring/McIntosh Spring (not to be confused with the more popular McIntosh Springs in the same state/Indian Spring) where, until the 1800s, people came from all corners of America would come to experience its "healing powers,"
My brother and I encountered one in South Fulton County near the intersection of Butner rd and Hwy 92 at the Deep creek area we were hunting and it started shaking a poplar tree and growling it then snapped the tree at shoulder height. That area is also known as a area that civil war dead were buried. Two weeks later one of the horses at the barn we kept our horses at has deep scratches on both sides if its rear flanks they were wider than a mans hands spread out. This was in the winter of 1971. We had to go to the barn after it got dark because a ice storm was hitting and we had to make sure the horses had hay and water. We had to pull the water up from the river by rope from the bridge. We heard loud growling and a large log was thrown and hit our truck. No way that log could have been thrown by a human. We heard of several other sightings in the area.
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