Saturday, July 1, 2017

Bigfoot in Macon County Watches Men BBQ a Hog; Owner of Property Says the Bigfoot is a Common Presence on the Property

BFRO researcher David Bakara, and owner of Expedition Bigfoot: Sasquatch Museum, investigated a Bigfoot sighting in Macon County, Georgia recently.  The sighting, which took place in early 2017, happened as the witness and his father were grilling a hog.  Standing there attending to their grill, the men looked up and saw a large, dark and hairy figure looking back at them. The witness who reported the incident to David Bakara said that he immediately grabbed his cell phone to take a picture, and as soon as he snapped the photo, the figure was gone.  The link to the report has the cell phone photo.
The figure is indeed dark and hairy. Afterwards, the men went to the area where the figure was standing and investigated. Per their recollection of where the figures head paralleled the tree it was standing near, the figure was around 8 feet tall. Perhaps more interesting than anything else concerning this sighting was the remark of the property owner who, when asked about the incident by the witnesses and showed the photo, remarked that he sees this figure on the property all the time.

Check out the report and the picture.  It appears that there is something weird in the photo.


Paranormalistics said...

Keep up the good work!

The Professor said...

Thank you! Been dormant for a while, but the Halloween season always motivates me to post again.