Friday, November 14, 2008

Your Favorite Blogger Will Be On the Radio Talking About This Blog!!

I received an email today from Dr. William Lester, the host of a show called Dimension X. He has invited me to appear on his radio show in Atlanta on November 22. The show airs on the APSR radio network. The show's website is I will be talking about my blogsite, as well as my book on the legend of the Georgia Bigfoot, due out next year from Idyll Arbor Press.
Tune in and you can hear me talk about why I started the blog, how I got interested in these topics, as well as how I went about the research for my book. I hope Dr. Lester will allow me to discuss all those things.

1 comment:

  1. I hope so too! And CONGRATS! Maybe you can attract more 'fans' at your wonderful blog this way.

    Lookin' towards it. ♥ ∞
