Saturday, November 22, 2008

Show Tonight

For those of you following the blog, don't forget that I will be on Dimension X tonight at 10:00 p.m. with Dr. William Lester. Dr. Lester is a man after my own heart, having a Ph.D. in history from Clark Atlanta University, and having become interested in the weird and paranormal much like I did. I have told people before that researching the strange and paranormal can sometimes be a natural outgrowth of history. So many ghost stories and strange phenomenon are rooted in history.

The show can be accessed through the website

Once you are there, you can select the type of stream you have. Windows Media Player is the one I use and works well for me. The show will start at 10:00 and Dr. Lester told me yesterday that I would be on around 10:05. I would love to have you all listen in as I talk about my research, this blog, my Georgia Bigfoot book coming out next year, and other items that I have been researching.

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